On a windswept knoll teeming with violets, I had my first vision: all vital life force -“chi”- is interwoven with our hair, rather than the body. At four years old, I would sustain this vision along the path of Hair Shamanism for the rest of my life. Fully discovering and maximizing the vital life force of human hair became my single-minded quest! As a result of unlocking so many important and varied secrets, I am now recognized as the leading expert and Shaman of hair care. This is my story: On that sunny childhood day in Bristol, Connecticut I received profound revelation of chi’s linkage with hair. It was difficult for my conservative Italian family to understand the experience of such a young visionary, but one member accepted it without question; I found sanctuary with my grandmother Lena in the gardened oasis she called home. A deeply spiritual woman, Lena touched the depths of my young soul and freed my repressed spirit. Surrounded in a leafy paradise, this magical gardener could easily revive any failing plant. Her ‘far-out’ vegetarian lifestyle had a profound impact on me. After a stint in the U. S. Navy to escape home and travel the world, I enrolled in barber school while living in New York. Little did I know this part-time job catering to upscale New Yorkers would lead me to the opportunity of a lifetime —apprenticing at Kenneth’s Salon on Park Avenue. World-class colorist Rosemary Sorrentino was my mentor, servicing a high profile clientele on her own floor of the multi-level salon. Immersed in this ‘shark tank of talent’, I became an expert colorist in my own right as well as mastering the fine arts of blunt snip hair-cutting and crafting botanical extracts. But interestingly, the most powerful lesson of my four years at Kenneth’s came from a Brazilian client who awakened me to Lunar Hair Cycle methodology. Like a match to fire, this moon-based technique ignited my passion to follow the Hair Shaman path.
Although, I regard my time at Kenneth’s as an essential step in my career, it was also a rather hostile and drama-filled environment to work in. One night, I had a realization: Happiness was unattainable in this harsh atmosphere and I must instead seek personal enlightenment. Armed with a top worldwide reputation in hair coloring and my rare knowledge of lunar cycle and elixirs, I set about my journey toward becoming your Hair Shaman. I started with a move to Italy, exploring countless small villages where local barbers would eagerly show me hair techniques handed down through generations. Each also shared the details of their local lunar hair cycles. After a nomadic year in Italy, I ventured northward to further my quest for hair knowledge. While traversing through Europe, I met residents of the renowned Findhorn settlement in Scotland. They introduced me to the ancient natural science of Ayurveda, which would become the basis of my Five Elements Hair Care. I pressed on, steadily unearthing secrets and gaining knowledge completely unheard of in my own homeland. This enlightenment served to prepare me for the final exciting chapter of my journey.
At last in 1978, my Qigong teacher facilitated a meeting with the greatest Hair Shaman of the time. I spent invaluable one-on-one hours with him in the Rotan Islands, immersed in the
complexities of Hair Shamanism, learning all I could. His lush Honduran jungle home was a perfect setting for in-depth study of the vital life force. This is where I learned the science of lunar hair charting and how to construct the most effective charts for myself and others. The finale of my shamanistic evolution was a life-changing ritual that initiated me into the elite circle of international Hair Shamans. We patiently awaited the perfect lunar phase and I was then baptized in the sea with a sacred ritualistic head-shaving. I have since made it my life’s mission to restore and maximize chi to the world… not only as Anthony Morrocco, but proudly and in total devotion as The Hair Shaman.
The Hair Shaman

Morrocco Method

Is Hair Dead or Alive?

Pyramid of the Universe 1

Pyramid of the Universe 2

Morrocco Method
Welcome to Morrocco Method Int'l! This is a video introduction to who we are and our mission to provide all natural, quality hair care. -
Is Hair Dead or Alive?
Is hair dead or alive? Let the Master Hair Shaman, Anthony Morrocco, and the beautiful Laurelle explain to truth about hair growth and production. Is YOUR hair healthy? -
Pyramid of the Universe 1
Hair Shaman Anthony Morrocco talks about the first tier of the pyramid, the mystery and magic of the universe! -
Pyramid of the Universe 2
Hair Shaman Anthony Morrocco talks about tiers 2 through 5 in the pyramid of the universe!