When is the best time to cut my hair on Lunar cutting days?
“Hello Anthony,
I am from KSA I want to ask when the best time to cut my hair in the cutting day? For example, tomorrow is my cutting day in which hour I have to cut? The sunshine start in 6:45 do I cut before or after it? When the moon is still or when the moon is gone completely? I hope you understand me and sorry for my bad english, I’m still learning.
Thank you,
Anthony’s Answer:
Dear Asmma,
AFTER you cut your hair and after the sunrise is up at least 3 hours.
You will have the entire day to cut as its a 24 hour window.
The moon is always there its just our sunrise and sunset that we don’t see her, but she is there 24 / 7.
Healthy Holidays
Anthony Morrocco